Niguma, lady of illusion /

Harding, Sarah.

Niguma, lady of illusion / Sarah Harding. - New York : Snow Lion Publications, 2010. - xviii, 373 p. :

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This volume includes the thirteen works that have been attributed to Niguma in the Tibetan Buddhist canon. These collected works form the basis of an ancient lineage, Shangpa, which continues to be actively studied and practiced today. These works include the source verses for such esoteric practices as the Six Yogas, the Great Seal, and the Chakrasamvara and Hevajra tantric practices that are widespread in Tibetan traditions. Also included is the only extant biography, which is enhanced by the few other sources of information on her life and work.


Niguma, --active 10th century-11th century.
Guru worship.
Niguma, 10th/11th cent.

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