Bhutan at her best : sunrays through the rain /

Thakur S Powdel.

Bhutan at her best : sunrays through the rain / Thakur S Powdel, Needrup Zangpo. - Thimphu : Thakur S Powdel & Needrup Zangpo. 2020. - 341 p. : ill. : 23 cm.

This is the rare benefits of certainty that, as a nation and as a people, we have come to deeply cherish : Come what may, our King will always be our saviour!
Despite the buffetings of fate and the vagaries of circumstances, the hallowed institution of enlightened monarchy will forever illumine as the vital life-force of our nation, the abiding principle of our national cohesion, and the constant source of our hope and reassurance.
Challenge after challenge, our peerless monarchs have stood larger than life and given a sublime account of their special being, secured the wee-being of our country and delivered us from crises. As His Majesty addressed the nation for the second time in the wake of the dreaded coronavirus today, our beloved King highlighted the grave global scenario and underscored the anxieties of the citizens in the unprecedented circumstances that we all have to live in.
(In moments of uncertainty, true leaders execute two vital roles, among others. They provide clarity to the challenges of the present. And, they provide confidence and hope to look to the future. Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel executes and exceeds both these roles today-in vision and in deeds).
His Majesty acknowledge the services of every institution, and individuals at all levels from the Prime Minister to the farmer for their selfless service beyond the call of duty and for putting the nation before self and highlighted the strategic interventions in place to handle current and potential challenges.
The human in the divine and the divine in the human, a deeply-pained People's King urged His emotion-charged citizens: "Let's all work together for our country".---Backcover.


COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020--Bhutan.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 --Bhutan.--Social aspects
Social aspects.

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