Course reserves for Educational Statistics

  1. Department: M.Ed in Primary Mathematics
  2. Course number: MTA507
  3. Instructors:
  4. Notes: ERL
Title Author Item type Location Collection Call number Copy number Status Date due Notes Link
Statistical reasoning for everyday life / Bennett, Jeffrey. Short Term Loan Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 BEN E18543 Available ERL
Statistical reasoning for everyday life / Bennett, Jeffrey. Short Term Loan Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 BEN E18544 Available ERL
Statistical reasoning for everyday life / Bennett, Jeffrey. Short Term Loan Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 BEN E18545 Available ERL
Statistical reasoning for everyday life / Bennett, Jeffrey. Short Term Loan Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 BEN E18546 Checked out 31/12/2024 ERL
Understanding statistics in the behavioral sciences / Pagano, Robert R. Books Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 PAG Available ERL
Practical statistics for educators / Ravid, Ruth. Short Term Loan Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 370.21 RAV E18526 Available ERL
Practical statistics for educators / Ravid, Ruth. Short Term Loan Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 370.21 RAV E18527 Available ERL
Practical statistics for educators / Ravid, Ruth. Short Term Loan Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 370.21 RAV E18528 Available ERL
Practical statistics for educators / Ravid, Ruth. Short Term Loan Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 370.21 RAV E18529 Available ERL
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics : excel 2010 edition / Salkind, Neil J. Books Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 SAL E 14856 - E 14860 Available ERL
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics : excel 2010 edition / Salkind, Neil J. Books Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 SAL E 14856 - E 14860 Checked out 31/12/2024 ERL
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics : excel 2010 edition / Salkind, Neil J. Books Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 SAL E 14856 - E 14860 Available ERL
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics / Salkind, Neil J. Books Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 SAL Available ERL
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics : excel 2010 edition / Salkind, Neil J. Books Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 SAL E 14856 - E 14860 Available ERL
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics : excel 2010 edition / Salkind, Neil J. Books Paro College Library
General Stacks
Non-fiction 519.5 SAL E 14856 - E 14860 Available ERL
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