Society and education /

Dutt, Suresh

Society and education / Suresh Dutt. - New Delhi : Anmol publications, 1997. - 366 p. : 24 cm.

1. Nature and Composition of Indian Society 2. Societal Challenges in India 3. Social Changes in India 4. Guiding Principles of Indian Constitution: Preamble 5. Constitutional Provisions Regarding Education 6. Decentralization 7. Constitutional Amendment: RTE 8. Democratic Values and Schools 9. University Education Comission (Radhakrishnan Commission 1948-49) 10. Secondary Education Commission (Mudaliar Commission1952-53) 11. Education for National Development (Kothari Commission,1964-66) 12. National Policy of Education (1968,1986 and 1992) 13. The National Commission on 'Teachers-I (Chattopadhyaya 173 Commission, 1983-85) 14. Right to Education Act (RTE), 2009 15. Universalization of Elementary Education 16. Problems of Elementary Education 17. Wastage and Stagnation 18. Education of the Girl Child 19. Strategies for Reaching the Unreached: Alternative Schools, Bridge Curriculum 20. Community Mobilization 21. School Mapping, Multi Level Planning 22. Early Child Care Education (ECCE) 23. Programme and Schemes for UEE 24. Concept and Scope of Inclusion with Reference to Eleventh Five Year Plan 25. Role of Education in Promoting Inclusion: Reaching Out to Marginalized and Under Privileged, Working Children, First Generation Learners 26. Children with Disability 27. Inclusive School and Classroom 28. Pedagogical and Curricular Imperatives 29. Government and Community Initiative

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Educational sociology.

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